With great anxiety I can officially tell you all that the Australian Dads Network (ADN) website is LIVE!!
It’s been a bloody crazy few months.
One minute I’ve launched it and the next I’ve scraped it and started again, (beginner on WordPress here – thanks to Shaun Lewis and Chris Gilbert for your support). Thanks to the Dads of the ADN Dads only Facebook group for their patience too. I’ve been a little all over the place recently. You guys kick ass!!
So where to now?
I struggle to see where we cannot go. There is an abundance of opportunities that flow when you are passionate, excited and have a bunch of mates with your back. Thanks fellas!
First up is to finish this site 100% and start the conversations with some incredible Dads, thought leaders, business and health professionals (plus more) for the ADN podcast!!
There has been some talk about the name being the “Yarn Barn”. And I don’t know about you, but I kinda like it. If you do or don’t, or have something else you think suits, let us know on twitter.
The podcast launch is set for June 2019. If you’d like to be a guest or support the podcast then flick me an email at liam@australiandadsnetwork.com.au
And on that note I will end the post here.
With complete genuine excitement and gratitude I want to thank you and ask you to like, share and contribute your energy to the support of one of Australia’s most promising and passionate groups of Dads.
Get amongst it and support the Australian Dads Network so we can continue to create a strong community!